Friday, 17 July 2015


What are the types of linkages in C programming?
Before going to linkage types ,you have to understand what does a translation unit means .
translation unit ,is the input of any C compiler ,that is your source file after passing the preprocessing step ,so that preprocessor macros are expanded ,all external libraries and header files are included .

External linkage ,means that the variable could be defined somewhere else outside the file you are working on ,which means you can define it inside any other translation unit rather your current one ( you will have to use the keyword extern when defining it in the other source code ) .

Intern linkage ,means that the variable must be defined in your translation unit scope ,which means it should either be defined in any of the included libraries ,or in the same file scope .

None linkage ,points to the default functions and braces  scopes ,such as defining an auto variable inside a function ,this will make the variable only accessable within that function's scope .


C: Scope, Duration & Linkage

This article explains the concepts of scope, linkage and duration (aka lifetime) in the C programming language. It also explains how scope, linkage and duration are determined for each function or variable declaration, depending on its location in the file and its storage class specifier (externstatic, etc).
In what follows we will use the term "object" to mean "function or variable". The terminology is used by the C standard and avoids tedious repetitions. When we say "declaration", we always mean "object declaration", since types have declarations as well. An "identifier" is just a name; e.g., a variable name.
The scope of a declaration is the part of the code where the declaration is seen and can be used.
Note that this says nothing about whether the object associated to the declaration can be accessed from some other part of the code via another declaration!
We uniquely identify an object by its memory: the storage for a variable or the function code.
Duration indicates whether the object associated to the declaration persists throughout the program's execution or whether it is allocated dynamically when the declaration's scope is entered.
Linkage is what determines if multiple declarations of the same object refer to the same object, or to separate ones.
As you might suspect, the three notions are closely inter-related. Let's try to untangle them.


C features four scopes:
  • block scope
  • function scope
  • function prototype scope
  • file scope
Every variable or function declaration that appears inside a block (including a function body) has block scope. The scope goes from the declaration to the end of the innermost block in which the declaration appears.
Function parameter declarations in function definitions (but not in prototypes) also have block scope. The scope of a parameter declaration therefore includes the parameter declarations that appear after it.
Function scope is a bit special: it is the scope of goto labels. Goto labels are implicitly declared at the place where they appears, but they are visible throughout the function, even if they appear inside a block.
Note that goto labels have a different namespace than objects, meaning you can have goto labels and objects using the same identifier without incurring any problems.
Function prototype scope is the scope for function parameters that appear inside a function prototype. It extends until the end of the prototype. This scope exists to ensure that function parameters have distinct names.
All variables and functions defined outside functions have file scope. They are visible from their declaration until the end of the file. Here, the term "file" should be understood as the source file being compiled, after all includes have been resolved.
The other two concepts (duration and linkage) are only relevant to declarations that have block scope or file scope. We will ignore the two other kinds of scope from now on.
Finally, note that a declaration in a nested scope can hide a declaration in an outer scope; but only if one of the two has no linkage. Most compilers have warning flags to warn you when this kind of hiding occurs, as it can be error-prone.

Storage Class Specifiers

The are five storage class specifiers: staticexternautoregister andtypedef. Each declaration can only have a single storage class specifier.
As you are probably well aware, typedef is kind of a hack, and we don't need to concern ourselves with it for regular declarations.

At Block Scope

The storage class specifiers auto and register are only valid for variable declarations appearing inside functions.
auto cannot apply to parameter declarations. It is the default for variable declared inside a function body, and is hence never necessary. The existence ofauto is rather puzzling, as is the fact that it is not allowed with is in fact a historic leftover from C predecessor's "B".
register is a hint to the compiler that it might be a good idea to store the variable in a register, but the compiler is not forced to do so. The compiler does make sure that you do not take the address of a variable with the registerstorage class.
Inside a function, variable declarations with the static storage class specifiers keeps its value in between invocations of the function.
Variables declared inside a function with the extern behaves exactly like a file-scope extern declaration, excepted for the difference in scope.

At File Scope

At file scope, extern and static influence the linkage of a declaration, according to rules that we will describe shortly.


There are two kind of duration:
  • automatic
  • static
A static duration means the object associated to the declaration persists for the whole program execution. Automatic duration means the object is allocated dynamically when the declaration's scope is entered.
Within functions (at block-scope), declarations without extern or static have automatic duration. Any other declaration (at file or block-scope) has static duration.
Sometimes, people talk of lifetime. Strictly speaking the duration is either automatic or static, while the lifetime refers to the portion of the execution during which memory is reserved for the object. The distinction is moot and both terms are often used interchangeably.


Remember that linkage is what determines if multiple declarations of the same object refer to the same object (i.e., memory location), or to separate ones.
There are three kind of linkage:
  • no linkage
  • internal linkage
  • external linkage
A declaration with no linkage is associated to an object that is not shared with any other declaration.
In a single compilation unit, all declarations for the same object that have linkage (so not "no linkage") must have the same linkage (either internal or external).
Within the compilation unit, all declarations with internal linkage for the same identifier refer to the same object.
Within the whole program, all declarations with external linkage for the same identifier refer to the same object.
Of course, all declarations for the same object must agree on its type!
All declarations with no linkage happen at block-scope: all block-scope declarations without the extern storage class specifier have no linkage.
For all other objects in the compilation units, the object has internal linkage if there is a declaration with the static storage class specifier. This declaration must happen before any extern declaration, and there cannot be any declaration without storage class specifier (or a compilation error ensues). Otherwise, it has external linkage.

Declarations & Definitions

All declarations with no linkage are also definitions.
Other declarations are definitions if they have an initializer. A function body is treated as an initializer.
A file-scope variable declaration without the extern storage class specifier or initializer is a tentative definition.
Note that extern declarations can have an initializer; although it makes no sense to do that (since dropping the extern specifier preserves the behaviour and makes and clarifies intent). Some compiler warn if you try to specify both externand an initializer.
For a declared object to be defined, there must be at least one definition or tentative definition, and not more than one non-tentative definition.
The object for a variable defined without initializer is initialized to 0 (its memory is zeroed).
Why does this matter? To be able to use a declared object, there must be a definition. Second, these rules ensure that an object isn't initialized multiple times.


A small note about the const qualifier (not the same thing as a storage class specifier). Using const does not influence scope, duration or linkage in C. In C++ however, declaration with const at the "top-level" (the outermost pointer, or the whole variable if there's no pointer) have internal linkage by default.
The reason C++ does this is to enable more optimizations: if the address of the variable is not taken, then memory does not need to be allocated for it and its value can be inlined in the assembly code.

Storage Class Specifiers Summary

Here's a short summary of which storage class specifiers are valid in which part of a program, and what difference they make compared to omitting the storage class specifier. As we said earlier, there can be at most one storage class specifier by declaration.
Storage class specifiers valid for block-scope variable declarations:
  • none: automatic duration, no linkage
  • auto (never required)
  • register (compiler hint)
  • static (static duration)
  • extern (static duration; copy previous linkage)
Storage class specifiers valid for parameter declarations:
  • none: automatic duration, no linkage
  • register (compiler hint)
Storage class specifiers valid for file-scope variable declarations:
  • none: static duration, external linkage
  • extern (copy previous linkage, else external linkage)
  • static (internal linkage)
Storage class specifiers valid for file-scope function declarations:
  • none: static duration; copy previous linkage, else external linkage
  • extern (same as none)
  • static (internal linkage)
Storage class specifiers valid for block-scope function declarations (useless):
  • none: static duration; copy previous linkage, else external linkage
  • extern (same as none)
Finally, note that the extern storage class specifier prevents a declaration from being a tentative definition.


So in summary, each declaration has: - a scope: block, function, function prototype, or file - a duration: automatic or static - linkage: no linkage, internal linkage, or external linkage
Refer to the intro for a short definition of these three concepts.
One can determine the linkage and duration of any declaration using only three rules (most prioritary rule first):
  • Within functions, declarations without extern have no linkage.
  • Within functions, declarations without extern or static have automatic duration. Any other declaration, at any scope, has static duration.
  • Within a compilation unit, objects have internal linkage if there is a declaration with the static storage class specifier. This declaration must happen before any extern declaration, and there cannot be any declaration without storage class specifier (or a compilation error ensues). Otherwise, they have external linkage.
Finally, for a variable to be defined there should be exactly one declaration with an initializer; or, failing that, at least one declaration without extern.

If we could do it over...

Perhaps the most obvious flaw of the scheme is that static at file scope bears no relationship with static at block scope. One of the two should have a different name.
Second, the interplay of externstatic (at file-scope), and no specifier (at file-scope) is too complex.
We could describe the behaviour of extern as follows:
if (first declaration for same object was static)
    static linkage
    external linkage
While no-specifier (at file-scope) means:
if (object is a function
        && first declaration for same object was static)
    static linkage
    external linkage
The reason for making the lack of a specifier act like extern for functions is that functions don't have tentative definitions.
Why do we even need tentative definitions? The only advantage I see is that one can declare a variable only in a header file and get a definition for it. The gain in convenience is so small that I'd propose to get rid of it.
At that point, we don't need "no specifier" anymore, and can force all of our declarations to be either extern or static. Let's pick one as the default.static seems better suited, since it does not pollute the namespace of other compilation units: other compilation units can still declare an object with the same identifier and external linkage.
Let's also get rid of the fact that extern "copies" the previous linkage. I can see no case where it would be necessary.
The scheme ends up simple enough: only add extern to declarations of symbol one wants to export or import to/from other compilation units. If we were not bound by the fact that C uses header files that are generally included both in the exporting and importing compilation unit, we could even split extern intoimport and public to make things clearer.

Clarifying Intent

Since many of us are stuck with C, here are a few macros and guidelines on how to use them to make things clearer. It roughly follows the scheme proposed in the last section, except that we can't make static the default, or statically check that the scheme is used properly.
  • #define import extern - for declarations in header files & declarations in C files to be imported from other compilation units
  • #define public - for declaratons in C files to be exported to other compilation units
  • #define private static - for declarations in C files local to the compilation unit
  • #define local static - for block-scope variables that should persist accross function invocations
All file-scope declarations should be qualified by one of importpublic orprivate. Within a compilation unit, all declarations for an object should have the same specifier. The only exception is that for a single object there can be one declaration with import in the header file, and one with public in the C file. Block-scope declarations can use import or local.

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